Researchers have found that skim milk might actually increase your risk for diabetes. So, how much milk fat should you be drinking?

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The Case Against Low Fat Milk Is Stronger Than Ever
“For years you’ve been told to go for skim over full-fat dairy. Even the latest dietary guidelines for Americans urge people to avoid the full fat, and following this lead, school lunch programs provide only low-fat milk and no whole milk at all, even though they do allow chocolate skim milk with its added sugars. But large population studies that look at possible links between full-fat dairy consumption, weight and disease risk are starting to call that advice into question.”

The Relationship Between High-Fat Dairy Consumption and Obesity, Cardiovascular, and Metabolic Disease
“The observational evidence does not support the hypothesis that dairy fat or high-fat dairy foods contribute to obesity or cardiometabolic risk, and suggests that high-fat dairy consumption within typical dietary patterns is inversely associated with obesity risk. Although not conclusive, these findings may provide a rationale for future research into the bioactive properties of dairy fat and the impact of bovine feeding practices on the health effects of dairy fat.”

Skim Milk Could Increase Your Risk of Diabetes, Study Suggests
If you love whole milk, you’re going to be happy about this. A new study published in Circulation indicates that full-fat dairy, like whole milk, may be healthier than low-fat dairy, like skim milk. Researchers analyzed the blood of 3,333 adults taken over 15 years and discovered that people who had higher levels of three different byproducts of full-fat dairy had an average 46 percent lower risk of developing diabetes.”

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Whole fat vs. low fat milk ~ which is ACTUALLY healthier? 🐮

Whole fat milk has more vitamin K2 than low fat milk.

Whole fat milk has also been found to be *better* at preventing weight gain.

Not mentioned in this video, but when it comes to heart health, recent research (such as a 2022 systematic review – doi:10.3390/nu14040831) found that full fat fermented dairy products has no detrimental effects on cardiovascular health.

This is why I *always* choose full fat dairy when given the option.

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